Matt Simpson - Next level Transformation

It has been a wild ride.
8 years ago, I was at the height of my self-abuse . The walls of truth were closing in on me.

I was sick, scared, stuck, misguided, lost, insecure and in a lot of pain.
By all societal measures, I was a success and living the American Dream.
I followed all the rules and never asked any questions, this way of life almost killed me. I followed others and rarely thought for myself.

The childhood sexual trauma that I held closely was eating away at my soul, I was slowly poisoning myself with negative thoughts and erroneous beliefs that I lacked the courage to examine and address. My heart was closed off and nearly broken, beaten down from a lifetime of self-abuse and self-betrayal.

I was completely fucked. I lived dishonestly and my word was mostly undependable. I tried everything multiple times to break my patterns to no avail…
But something shifted.
And then I found meditation.
Poof…Presto Chango!
This daily practice helped me to LET GO of what didn’t serve me and has now created abundant opportunities for inspiration to flow from within.

It i s surprisingly simple, let go to let in.
Break down to build up.
These are natural cycles that I have found to align with Universal law. I was missing the mark and unable to see how my wrong thinking was causing all of my heartache and dismay.
I am motivated to share for those that don’t have a voice. My life has changed for the better after committing to serving and helping others push through challenges that I’ve been blessed to move through.
Why do I kick the covers off every morning?
For the more than 1.5 million US veterans needlessly struggling with PTSD and Depression,
40+/- million American adult survivors of child sex abuse suffering in silence,
43% of American women have sexual dysfunction,
Viagra Sales are off the charts as our warped definition of masculinity now requires a blue pill for the flaccidly impotent,
I walked away from the money—my soul wasn’t for sale. All of this is for LOVE . All of it.
My personal story has been a savory combination of Stealing Fire, Sex at Dawn and Tribe. Three impactful books that have rocked and shaken my belief systems to its deepest core. I now believe anything is possible, that anything can happen! Even peace.
I am truly grateful for all of life’s blessings. Everything on my path has served as a lesson for growth, for the evolution of my soul and being. 

All that I needed was an earnest step in the direction of my dreams. It all starts with just a step.

Creators and Guests

George Monty
George Monty
My name is George Monty. I am the Owner of TrueLife (Podcast/media/ Channel) I’ve spent the last three in years building from the ground up an independent social media brandy that includes communications, content creation, community engagement, online classes in NLP, Graphic Design, Video Editing, and Content creation. I feel so blessed to have reached the following milestones, over 81K hours of watch time, 5 million views, 8K subscribers, & over 60K downloads on the podcast!
Matt Simpson - Next level Transformation
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