Unveiling Cult Dynamics & Coercive Control: Wisdom from Chris Shelton

Welcome to today’s episode featuring Chris Shelton, a multifaceted individual whose journey spans authorship, consulting, podcasting, videography, and a unique perspective as a former cult member. As a consultant, Chris extends a helping hand to those transitioning out of coercively controlling environments, offering emotional support and evidence-based advice. Specializing in high control groups like Scientology, Chris guides individuals in acclimating to the larger world beyond their previous cult paradigm.

For family and friends grappling with loved ones entangled in destructive cults, Chris provides invaluable insights on maintaining communication, understanding the situation, and assisting in navigating the complex terrain of mind control techniques. With a wealth of experience, he aids in facilitating escapes from such environments, recognizing the nuances of each individual’s circumstances.

Beyond consultation, Chris is a prolific educator, sharing his knowledge through videos, podcasts, and written works on high control groups and predatory behaviors. Since departing Scientology in 2013, his platform serves as a comprehensive resource, offering a nuanced understanding of the challenges posed by cultic influence.

Join us for a deep dive into Chris Shelton’s unique expertise, shedding light on the intricate dynamics of cults, mind control, and the path to recovery.

Creators and Guests

George Monty
George Monty
My name is George Monty. I am the Owner of TrueLife (Podcast/media/ Channel) I’ve spent the last three in years building from the ground up an independent social media brandy that includes communications, content creation, community engagement, online classes in NLP, Graphic Design, Video Editing, and Content creation. I feel so blessed to have reached the following milestones, over 81K hours of watch time, 5 million views, 8K subscribers, & over 60K downloads on the podcast!
Unveiling Cult Dynamics & Coercive Control: Wisdom from Chris Shelton
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