Jason Sheffield

Jason Sheffield

Appears in 9 Episodes

Jason Sheffield - Telling Secrets

Today we speak w/Jason Sheffield. He takes us on a wild, psychedelic ride from seeker, to adventurer, to journeyman. You can see Jason’s work here: https://www.experi...

The Psychedelic Roundtable

Music: https://youtu.be/nThfHcRNQI0 In todays we talk about the spectacle of society, misconceptions about coaching & integration, can we use science to measure some ...

The Psychedelic Roundtable - Quantum Science Debunks Determinism

In this episode we are joined by a group of psychedelic merry pranksters to discuss the problem of determinism, the ideas of the quantum mechanics and one flew over th...

The Psychedelic Roundtable - Disrupting Corporate Structure, A hard right turn, & rounding up homeless people

Grab a flashlight, we’re going deep down the rabbit hole known as predicting the future. Can we disrupt the corporate structure? Is the antithesis of wokeness about to...

The Psychedelic Roundtable - The Problem with Legalised Psychedelics: Prop 122

Legalised drugs? What could possibly go wrong? Famous last words. Today we talk about the recent approval of Prop: 122 in Colorado. This decriminalised magic mushrooms...

The Psychedelic Roundtable - Influence

A Higher order of power, is a power that cannot be questioned. A coming Civil Rights movement? The Great Reset…as an asteroid impact?

The Psychedelic Roundtable - “YE” aka Kanye West vs The Jewish People

The spectacle of “YE” vs the Jewish people is the existing orders uninterrupted discourse about itself, it’s laudatory monologue. It is the self portrait of power in t...

From Rituals to the Compulsion of Production

One of our greatest problems of today is the lack of commitment to common symbols if it were merely a matter of our fragmentation in the small groups each committed to...

The Psychedelic Roundtable

Today we talk about the integration of science & religion. What role the church may have in the world of psychedelics, the idea of pscilocybin as a gene therapy, neuro...

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