Patterns of Thought
Speaker 0 (0s): Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the TrueLife podcast. I'm excited to be here today. I hope when you woke up this morning, you looked in the mirror, told yourself how good looking you are, how strong you are, how beautiful you are. Kind of an interesting topic today. I wanted to get you thinking about yesterday was the past. Tomorrow is the future. Today is a gift S why they call it the present?
How are you different today than you were yesterday? Did you learn something new? Do you have some new ideas? Did you destroy yourself yesterday and wake up a new today? Some people say that every night, when you go to bed, you destroy the world. And every morning when you wake up, you create a new one. What does that mean to you? Does that mean that you let go of your anxiety? Does that mean you forgive your enemies?
Does it mean at the day in which you inhabit today? Then now the present is in fact, a golden opportunity to achieve the goals that you have want to do with achieve since the beginning. I hope so. I struggled to do that. And what I've learned is that what you hold on to from Yesterday is usually that which weakens you for the rest of your day and into the future.
I believe it's understanding the pattern of emotions when you make decisions. Does that kind of makes sense? I read an interesting book a while ago. I'll think of the title. I can't think of it off hand right now. However, it spoke about emotions and it spoke about feeling and it spoke about how to make your life aligned with what you want your life to be.
And the topic that I remember most about that book that I highlighted was understand the pattern of emotions when you make decisions. So let me try to break that down for everybody. Can you remember a time when you were in the zone when you were on fire, when you just felt great and everything was working, if you can take a few minutes just to close your eyes and vividly, imagine what that was like, try and take some in through your nose, out through your mouth.
Just take a few minutes and really try to get back to that spot. Once you get there, once you've envisioned the situation that was making you so happy can reimagine what was going on through your mind. So it's sort of like a two-fold process vividly. Imagine the day in which you were having this beautiful day, and once you get there, imagine or re imagined re member to reconstruct your memories, remember what it was that was going through your mind, remember reconstruct how it felt when you were going through that day.
Do you remember a series of patterns? Can you remember what it was that led to the apex of the day in which you're remembering you have oatmeal for breakfast? Did you wake up and give your daughter a kiss on the cheek and tell her she's beautiful. Did you roll over and kiss your partner? Tell him how fortunate you are. Is that how your day started? Chances are the day started pretty well and it carried through the reason I bring all this up.
And the reason I asked you to remember to reconstruct the day you had, that you remember to be so beautiful is that if you can recreate those patterns, you can recreate those times or at least get close to them. It's sort of like, remember that movie Groundhog day with bill Murray, where he wakes up and every day is the same.
And he is sort of in this odd world where he needs to make sure that he makes the most of his day and does everything right. I think that it's a beautiful way of looking at your life. Like every day is an opportunity to make the best day possible for you and those around you, because let's be clear when you are in a state of working perfection, you make the lives of all those around you.
Better. You make it worthwhile. You make the world better. Now it's irrational to think that you could do that every day, but you could be better every day. You could make the lives of those around you better every day. And the purpose of that is at least in my opinion, is that when you wake up and you don't have that good of a day, you've helped a lot of people have great days. And so they're having good days, thus, it makes your life easier. I think that's the clutch understanding of the quote, understand the pattern of emotions.
When you make decisions. I want to stay on the topic of patterns for a little bit. We've talked about the Patterns of emotions in which you feel in my book, the terror, before the sacred, I go into the language of life. And let me give you an example, kind of paraphrasing here. However, have you ever seen a Nautilus shell think of a snail shell, but I guess we can do it that most people understand what a snail shell is.
A Nautilus shell is exactly the same only different. So let's say we take a big giant snail shell and we cut it right down the middle. So it was just, there's like a cross section. And now, as you're staring at your snail shell, you see a series of patterns, a series of chambers, if you will, each chamber exactly the same as the one before with the only exception of it being larger.
And it moves in a spiral pattern all along into a twisty curve, it twists a pattern the same way as spiral galaxy twists a pattern. And that same pattern is in us, not so much as a snail shell or a spiral galaxy, but a series of events that get larger and larger in proportion, but are the same.
Think about your daily routine minus something like this. Wake up at five, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, comb my hair come downstairs. It's five 30 making breakfast for my daughter. My wife jump in the car at six 30, drive my daughter to school roughly about an hour, seven 30. Once I arrive and drop her off at school drive to work.
That puts me to work around roughly eight 30, hang out, do some writing, maybe a podcast going to work by 10 work for 10, 12 hours, maybe nine hours finished my day between seven 30 and nine 30, which puts me back home at 10 kiss. My wife on the cheek.
Tell her I love her. Take a shower, eat a light dinner to get to bed by 11 days done, wake up at five, go downstairs, make breakfast, take my daughter to school, go to work, get home at 10 kiss. My wife on the cheek, take a shower, go to bed, get up at five. You see the pattern there. And that's Monday through Friday week after week, month after month, year after year.
Now the chambers get bigger. I have, I used to not have a daughter used to not be old and slower, but the repetition is the same, right? The repetition is the same. The repetition is the same. Some say that repetition is the mother of skill. And everybody knows about the 10,000 hours. Well, this system, this pattern of life in some ways becomes so monotonous that we just do it.
We become like drones. We become callous to the life around us. The people around us, much like a man who works with his hands, get calluses. A man or woman who goes to her routine gets calluses. They become numb. They have to, in order to live a life that's mundane. One must become numb, but then sometimes, and I hope for you and all of us, there's an awakening.
There's an opportunity. Something that pushes us from our slumber, something that pulls us from the very snail shell that we live in, causes us to breathe, causes us to see, causes us, to hear a calling, something within us, calls to us from outside of us. The spirit, the soul that life itself is calling to you.
Woo. Here I am. Hey, remember me spontaneity. There's more to life than this. Something breaks through the mundane barrier. Sometimes it's violent. Sometimes it's sadness, whatever it takes to get your attention. And once you begin paying attention to this voice, be it violate or precious or inspiring.
It gets louder. It becomes clearer. And the instructions become known to you. All of a sudden, there's a break in the pattern. Think about it like this. If you have a record player for some of my younger listeners, our record player is a large wax disc with plenty grooves on it in a needle, goes into each groove and it goes around and around.
It's like, I can't leave them explaining a record player. Everybody knows what a record player is. Right. And if you don't and then just look it up. So imagine I play a record. It's like your favorite song, your favorite album. And it goes around and around and around and around and around, right? That's kind of like your life, your thoughts, your patterns. But if I take that record and I pull it off the record player and I take a knife and I just rub it back and forth, ch I rub it back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
And then I put the record back on the turntable. It won't play that record anymore. It'll skip right there. It'll scratch. It's ruined. The pattern is gone. So now you need a new record. And that is what the voice, the calling, the sound, the violence, the anger, the manifestation of change in your life is, and you can control it. You can choose to be the change that you want to see in the world.
Or you can allow circumstances to be the night that scratches the record, conscious change, deciding to do something different, deciding to be someone new, deciding to be someone better. That is the change that you want to strive for. It's easy to go through your routine in some ways, but it is not something I recommend, right?
When you're green, you grow when you're ripe, you rot. And if you don't listen to the voice, if you don't allow yourself to change the way in which you see yourself in a world that is rapidly changing, then part of you dies part of you Withers on the vine and there's no need for it. If you hear the voice, if you hear the winds of change, then be the change you're being called to be, be inspiration.
Follow that, which excites you. I once heard a good quote that said something like what you're seeking is seeking you. Is there something you wanted to be, you kind of put on the back burner is just something that interests you, because those things are seeking you. Whatever you find interesting in your life or not in your life, whatever those things you find yourself thinking about those things.
You, they need you to give them life and they will. It may take a while to cultivate them, but it's like a seed. If you went outside and put a seed in the ground and you came back the next day and you're like, Hey, there's no plant here. Well, it doesn't work like that. You have to cultivate the soil. You have to bring the nutrients. You have to water it. You should probably go outside and talk to it. You should admire it and hope that it grows and it will grow.
If you take care of it, it will become something bigger and better than you could have possibly imagined. And the amount of pride you'll feel from that will be amazing. The truth is every one of us is stronger and better than we can imagine. If we're just willing to believe in ourselves, the way that others believe in us. One of the greatest powers people say one can have is to see yourself, the way that others see you.
And for many people, we have this negative connotation of, of who we are or what people think of us. And that's probably because that's the way we think of other people. But the truth is, if you sit down with somebody long enough, you can't dislike them. I mean, you can't truly hate him. You could probably still dislike him. But if you sat down and talk to somebody for four hours, you would be forced to at least be clear on where the other person's coming from and where there's clarity.
There's usually understanding. And when there's understanding, there's usually compassion and there's compassion. There's room for a relationship. And often, I don't know if you have found this, but quite often, when you find yourself in a confrontational situation, you seem to learn a lot about yourself. So in some ways I think that we should not be running from confrontation.
We should be seeking it because more often than not the two people in confrontation or a lot of like, and they want the same thing, just have different ways of going about it. That to me is plenty of food to think about for today. I think every one of you for taking a few moments, a few moments, a few moments to spend time with me in the morning.
I love every one of you Aloha. So let's get up and get at them because no one can keep you down.