Steven Snider - From Psychedelic Serial Killers to the Water Tower

Aloha and welcome! Today, we have the extraordinary Steven Snider, known to many as Recluse, the mastermind behind the legendary VISUP blog. Dive into the depths of culture, parapolitics, and high weirdness as we explore Steven's unique approach to these fascinating realms. With a foundation in the synchro-mystical movement, Recluse merges rigorous research with a reluctant acceptance of Fortean and Saturnine currents.

Steven is the author of *Strange Tales of the Parapolitical: Postwar Nazis, Mercenaries, and Other Secret History* and *A Special Relationship: Trump, Epstein, and the Secret History of the Anglo-American Establishment Book I*. He is also working on a forthcoming book dealing with the history of Discordianism, state-sanctioned behavioral modification programs, and conspiracy theories.

In addition to his writing, Steven hosts *The Farm* podcast, known for its high-quality, in-depth weekly shows that delve into these complex and intriguing topics. Drawing inspiration from iconic TV shows like *The X-Files* and *Twin Peaks*, and films such as *2001: A Space Odyssey* and *Blade Runner*, Steven brings a rich and multifaceted perspective to our discussion. Join us for an enlightening journey as we uncover the intricate web of conspiracies and hidden truths with Steven Snider.

Creators and Guests

George Monty
George Monty
My name is George Monty. I am the Owner of TrueLife (Podcast/media/ Channel) I’ve spent the last three in years building from the ground up an independent social media brandy that includes communications, content creation, community engagement, online classes in NLP, Graphic Design, Video Editing, and Content creation. I feel so blessed to have reached the following milestones, over 81K hours of watch time, 5 million views, 8K subscribers, & over 60K downloads on the podcast!
Steven Snider - From Psychedelic Serial Killers to the Water Tower
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