Beyond the Veil - Milica Radovic Mandic

Milica Radovic Mandic

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow seekers of knowledge and transformation, it is with great honor and enthusiasm that I introduce to you a visionary pioneer in the realm of consciousness exploration and healing, Milica

For over a decade, Milica has traversed the realms of the mind and spirit, guided by an unwavering belief in the transformative power of psychedelics. With each journey into the depths of consciousness, she has discovered profound insights into the human psyche and its capacity for evolution.

Fuelled by a profound sense of gratitude towards the sacred gifts of plant medicine, Milica has embarked on a mission to share her wisdom with the world. She is the the founder of Psilocybin San Francisco, &  Bizdelics, an organization that provides resources for the psychedelics industry. 

Milica has cultivated an educational oasis, a sanctuary where knowledge flows freely, and harm reduction is paramount. Through her tireless efforts, she illuminates the path towards responsible and intentional psychedelic use, nurturing a community of seekers dedicated to personal growth and healing.

Milica's journey is not merely one of experiential exploration but also of scholarly pursuit. Armed with a Master of Science in Psychology from the United Kingdom, with a specialization in Psilocybin, she seamlessly weaves together empirical research and firsthand experience, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

But Milica's brilliance extends beyond the realm of psychedelics. With a wealth of experience as an event manager, including a remarkable company exit and a distinguished tenure as a TED licensee, she embodies the spirit of innovation and leadership. Her passion for bringing people together transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries, as evidenced by her volunteer work across more than 70 countries and her fluency in five languages.

Today, nestled in the vibrant tapestry of San Francisco, Milica continues her quest for understanding, delving deeper into the mysteries of psychedelics and their profound implications for personal growth and healing. As we embark on this journey of exploration and discovery alongside Milica, let us open our hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities that await us.

Creators and Guests

George Monty
George Monty
My name is George Monty. I am the Owner of TrueLife (Podcast/media/ Channel) I’ve spent the last three in years building from the ground up an independent social media brandy that includes communications, content creation, community engagement, online classes in NLP, Graphic Design, Video Editing, and Content creation. I feel so blessed to have reached the following milestones, over 81K hours of watch time, 5 million views, 8K subscribers, & over 60K downloads on the podcast!
Beyond the Veil - Milica Radovic Mandic
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